Tag Archives antistatik kumaşlar

Alev Almaz Kumaşlar

Güç Tutuşur Kumaşlar ;

Koruyucu kıyafetler için güç tutuşur kumaşlar iki farklı yöntem ile üretilebilirler.

1- Kendinden FR özelliğe sahip elyaflardan ( meta-aramid, para-aramid , modakrilik/pamuk , FR viskon , PBI vs.. ) kumaş üretimi. Bu şekilde üretilmiş olan kumaşlar, ürün ömrü boyunca güç tutuşma özelliklerini koruyacak ve bu özelliklerini yıkama ile kaybetmeyecektir. Dezavantaj olarak bu kumaşlar apreli kumaşlara göre daha pahalıdır.

2- Sıradan pamuk veya polyester pamuk karışımlı kumaşlara FR apre işlemi uygulanarak ki bu yöntem belirli bir yıkama dayanımına sahip olacaktır ve apre sonucunda kumaşta belirli bir renk değişimi , tuşede sertlik oluşurken mukavemet değerlerinde kayıp yaşanması muhtemel olacaktır. Bu yöntem ile üretimin en avantajlı yanı daha ucuz maliyetli olmasıdır. Ancak ürünün ömrü, üzerindeki aprenin dayanımı kadardır.


Antistatik Kumaşlar

Antistatik kumaşlar yüzey dirençi 10 – 1012 ohm aralığında olan kumaşlardır. EN 1149 standardına göre ise bir kumaşın antistatik olması için yüzey direnç değerlerinin 10– 109 ohm olması istenir.

EN 1149-1  yüzey direnç < 2,5* 10ohm

EN 1149-3         t50<4sn  ,  S>0,2

Kumaşlarımızda kullanmış olduğumuz karbon iplikler sayesinde kumaş yüzey dirençlerimizi bu aralıkta tutmaktayız. Kullanılan karbon iplikler kumaş yüzeyinde statik yük birikmesini engelleyerek iletkenlerin aksine yavaş deşarj özelliği sağlamaktadır. Bu sayede statik elektriklenmeden dolayı oluşabilecek patlama, ani yük boşalması kaynaklı arıza, statik yüklü parçacıkların – partiküllerin taşınması gibi sorunların önüne geçilebilmektedir.



Sürüdürülebilir Bir Gelecek İçin


Recycle son yıllarda moda savaşlarında oldukça popüler hale geldi. Bu kumaşlar, geri dönüştürüldüğünde üretilir ve üretim sırasında daha az enerji ve su kullanılır. Bu nedenle, çalıştırılanların etkileri önemli ölçüde azaltılır.

Recycle genellikle geri dönüştürülmüş plastik şişelerden veya geri dönüştürülmüş pamuklu giysilerden yapılmış polyester veya pamuklu karışımlarını içerir. Bu kumaşlar, üretim sırasında su tasarrufu sağlar ve karbon ayak izini azaltır. Geri dönüştürülmüş kumaşlar ayrıca, üretim sırasında kullanılan kimyasalların içeriğindeki atık su miktarını da azaltır.

Recycle kumaşları, sadece üretim faydalarını sağlamakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda modaya göre de avantajlar sunar. Bu kumaşlar, dayanıklı, hafif ve nem emici özelliklere sahiptir. Aynı zamanda, kumaşlar rahat bir giyim deneyimi sunar ve uzun süre dayanır.

Sonuç olarak, geri dönüşüm kumaşları hem çalıştırma hem de ekonomik faydalar sağlar. Bu kumaşların kullanımı, moda kalıcılığını artırmak için önemli bir adımdır. Tüketicilerin geri dönüşüm kumaşlarına yönelmesi, dünya genelinde atık tüketiminin azaltılmasına ve çevre dostu bir geleceğe doğru ilerlememize yardımcı oluyor.

Bize Miras Bırakılan Ve Bizlerin Miras Bırakacağı Bir Dünya'da Sürdürülebilir Bir Gelecek İçin Mücadale Ediyoruz.


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Beauty has so many forms, and I think the most beautiful thing is confidence and loving yourself.

As you may be aware from the proliferation of headlines that end in “…and the internet is very upset about it!” the Internet is constantly very upset about various things. Some of those things provoke quite understandable if not righteous upper. Other times though, the internet just seems bored and looking for something to kick around the ol’ Twitter echo chamber.

The world of fashion meanwhile has a long history of provoking, teasing, scandalizing, and, dare we say it, trolling. Actual scandal-worthy fashion moments aside, it is of little surprise then that occasionally otherwise inoffensive fashion items and objects get caught in the Twitter outrage cycle simply for existing. Would fashion really be doing it’s job in 2017 if it didn’t occasionally provoke such strong reactions online? We have little doubt that that was the point at least some of these designers (we’re looking at you Demna) were trying to make. Others maybe were perhaps just playing catch up on what they perceived as a trend.

Knows exactly where she wants to take Diana next. “The story will take place in the U.S., which I think is right,” she told Entertainment Weekly. “She’s Wonder Woman.

She’s got to come to America. It’s time.” A THR profile of Jenkins hintsthat, while Wonder Woman took place during World War I, Wonder Woman 2 will be “contemporary-set,” though Jenkins told Uproxx “the plan” is to stay in the past.

“I’d like to bring her a little farther along into the future and have a fun, exciting storyline that is its own thing,” she told the Toronto SunMTV points to two obvious settings: the 1940s/World War II, because William Moulton Marston created the character of Wonder Woman in 1941; or the ’70s, in honor of the Lynda Carter-starring TV series.

THE LOOK  ( 3 )
Sweater and pants Elizabeth and James; sandals Ancient Greek Sandals

Like exercise TRENDS of earlier decades, it can feel like one MORE requirement of womanhood


Fall decorating presents the opportunity to revel in luxury. Fabrics become more substantial, color palettes transition to rich hues, and just about every design decision for the season revolves around cultivating a cozy living environment. In an effort to help you make your space ideal for fall, a group of design tastemakers reveal the decor trends to expect in homes across the country this season, along with a few lessons you’ll want to consider. Fall decorating presents the opportunity to revel in luxury. Fabrics become more substantial, color palettes transition to rich hues, and just about every design decision for the season revolves around cultivating a cozy living environment. In an effort to help you make your space ideal for fall, a group of design tastemakers reveal the decor trends to expect in homes across the country this season, along with a few lessons you’ll want to consider.

Beauty has so many forms, and I think the most beautiful thing is confidence and loving yourself.

Mike Rowe, host of Discovery Channel’s Dirty Jobs, entered into the world online fashion critic earlier this year when he discovered a pair of $425 jeans on sale at Nordstrom’s from the brand PRPS. He positioned them as another volley in “our country’s War on Work.” He continued, “They’re not even fashion. They’re a costume for wealthy people who see work as ironic – not iconic.” Fair point. Really though we were also a bit offended that DSquared2 already did the whole purposefully muddied jeans a few years ago. In fact, Gwen Stefani was spotted wearing the originals when she first started dating Blake Shelton. See, there are occasional situation in which a high fashion-meets-down home country boy aesthetic really is necessary.

We get why people would be outraged from a certain view, but we also think at least some of these designers are in on the joke. Maybe the only question is what exactly the punchline is. Then again, when you think about it the entire world of high fashion is taking something mundane (clothing; we all have to wear it), and turning it into coveted and cutting-edge luxury items.


Life experience brings out different emotions and different perspectives on things. I just want to be constantly evolving.

Mike Rowe, host of Discovery Channel’s Dirty Jobs, entered into the world online fashion critic earlier this year when he discovered a pair of $425 jeans on sale at Nordstrom’s from the brand PRPS. He positioned them as another volley in “our country’s War on Work.” He continued, “They’re not even fashion. They’re a costume for wealthy people who see work as ironic – not iconic.” Fair point. Really though we were also a bit offended that DSquared2 already did the whole purposefully muddied jeans a few years ago. In fact, Gwen Stefani was spotted wearing the originals when she first started dating Blake Shelton. See, there are occasional situation in which a high fashion-meets-down home country boy aesthetic really is necessary.

People were absolutely astounded, at least in between that time that they read the Tweet or headline and when they actually go to the details, that Prada was selling a $150 “paper clip.” In reality, of course, it was a sterling silver money clip shaped like a paper clip (and when you really think about it, all clips really do the same thing). $150 is a lot for a paper clip, but it’s actually not that eye boggling when you look at other high-end money clips.



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